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  • clemensgentsch

Exhibition in December 2020 in Berlin

My first exhibition!

I am a little excited and full of anticipation. Especially because the decision to hold the exhibition has now finally been made.

I had been struggling with this decision the last weeks because of the current lockdown regulations. On the one hand, because the opening (the vernissage) unfortunately can't take place as I had imagined my first vernissage and on the other hand, because I don't want to contribute to a further spread of the virus with my exhibition of course. But with the current hygiene concept of Pia, the gallery owner, there is no danger of infection for anyone.

Here are the key data on the exhibition and further down in the article the restrictions or measures resulting from the current Corona regulations.

Corona measures:

Unfortunately, we cannot all toast together in the gallery and philosophize about art and the world.

Due to the relatively small exhibition space, a maximum of 4 people are allowed in the gallery at the same time. All others would have to wait outside until space is available again. On the opening evening I will try to make the waiting in front of the gallery bearable with two patio heater and my modest company. So dress warmly! (I'm in the process of clarifying with the public order office whether I may serve mulled wine)

Of course everything can change at any time.The current measures are officially only valid until the end of November and nobody can say at the moment whether it will be looser, stricter or the same in December. But I will keep the daily updated status here in the blog.

With this in mind, keep your fingers crossed and if all goes well, I'll see you in December.


Save the exhibition as a facebook-event.

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